"We are thrilled that you are considering becoming a Quadeucous Practitioner and appreciate that you do not take this decision lightly. 

The World, Humanity and all Souls need beautiful Light Beings, like yourself, to help spread the Soulullar Healing that comes with Quadeucous.  

We welcome you to the journey of Soul healing and to the return to the Original Divine Blueprint of your Soul Essence."       

The Pleiades Group

The Quadeucous Institute of Education &

 Training will be launched on this space

 and workshops will be announced.


           There are two levels of the Quadeucous Healing System.

                First:     The Initiate            Second:   The Graduate

For both levels you will spend a full day in training learning of the system, being empowered with the symbols and knowledge of this beautiful Soul Healing.  There will be loads of time to practice and truly allow yourself to dive into the awesomeness of this new healing modality.

Prior to completing the Graduate there is the requirement to have spent at least 7 months practising and using your Quadeucous Initiate training.

The training can be done in person and all training details will be announced here and on the Hibiscus Dreaming Facebook page.  

From here and after a time with using and practicing at the Graduate level you will be able to apply to become a licenced Quadeucous Facilitator holding your own Quadeucous Training.