A Distance Healing & Reading Experience.
A Soul Whispers experience with Asharnaye will take you on a personalised healing journey. Reaching deep within the essence of you to bring about words of wisdom and knowledge to help you in the NOW on your Life Path.
You will Receive:
* Soul Reading - what is your Soul wanting to tell you? Asharnaye will connect with your beautiful Soul's light and channel through messages for you.
* Chakra Healing - the chakras are the Energy Mud Map of what is unfolding for you in the physical realm. Asharnaye will not only read your chakras but rebalance and clear them for you in this session.
* Healing - Asharnaye will sit with your essence and become the clear vessel for Holy Fire Reiki to reach you and intuitively heal all that is needed. Always serving your highest best interest in the most powerful way, reaching all levels of your being, Body, Mind & Soul.
* Personalised Harmonic Healing - Using healing chimes and sounds, Asharnaye will create for you your very own sound healing harmonics. This will be recorded live at the time of the distance healing and you will receive this as a mp3. These harmonics will be exactly what your Soul Rhythm is requiring at that point of your life. To be used in the following weeks to empower you and your Soul Connection.
* 60 minute Skype Session - this will be to deliver to you personally, one on one your Soul and Chakra reading.
* Reiki Grid - your name will be put on a Holy Fire Reiki Grid for one month.
Soul Whispers
Soul Reading
Chakra Healing
Holy Fire Reiki Healing
Soul Sounds Harmonic Healing recorded & presented as mp3
60min Skype session
Reiki Grid
FREE Bonus you will also receive via email:
A guided chakra meditation.(mp3)
A printed version of reading.